PC Games How-Tos

How To: Upgrade to the Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release

Check out this guide to installing the Minecraft 1.9 prerelease update to your Minecraft folder. After replacing your Minecraft.jar file with the new one that you'll download from the link below, you'll be able to play with the snow golems and try the Minecraft 1.9 pre-release for yourself!

How To: Stream PC games to Own3D.tv with XSplit Broadcaster

Own3D.tv is an online service that allows you to stream many different games and content from your computer game so that others can see you play. It is commonly used with PC games such as League of Legends and Starcraft 2. If you want to configure XSplit Broadcaster to stream to Own3D.tv, watch this guide on how to setup XSplit to stream to your channel.

How To: Use creative mode in Minecraft 1.8 to build a world

So you've just installed Minecraft 1.8 on your computer, and you're trying to figure out how to use the cooler options of creative mode. Where do you start? This guide will show you how to destroy blocks, create buildings with blocks, manage your inventory, obtain unlimited blocks, and use fly in creative mode while playing Minecraft 1.8.

How To: Create a TNT or sand cannon in Minecraft 1.8

If you're looking for a big boom in Minecraft 1.8, try building one of these cannons. The first part of the tutorial will show you how to build a vertical TNT cannon that can create a huge explosion. The second part of the tutorial showcases the creation of a sand or gravel cannon in Minecraft 1.8 that is equally impressive!

How To: Play Minecraft on an Android smartphone

The low system requirements of Minecraft make it ideal for playing on an Android smartphone. If you're looking to find out how to download, install, and play Minedroid, a version of Minecraft designed for your Android phone, take a look at this walkthrough and check out the download options below.

How To: Fight against Enderman in Minecraft 1.8

Minecraft 1.8 has introduced Enderman to tons of blocky servers all over the world. If you're looking for ways to fight against Enderman or just avoid Enderman all together, take a look at this walkthrough on how to do both. Be sure to grab an Ender Pearl so that you can half their attack range!

How To: Build Corki with a Trinity Force in League of Legends

If you like to carry your team by doing a ton of damage, and you like the idea of flying around in a flying machine, try out Corki, the Daring Bombadier in League of Legends. In this champion spotlight, Phreak from Riot Games builds Corki with a Trinity Force to do a ton of damage and attack quick. He also overviews what abilties, masteries, and runes to get on Corki.

How To: Build a beach house in Minecraft

In this two part tutorial, you will learn how to build a beach house from scratch in Minecraft. You will need wooden planks, wooden slabs, glass, fence, wooden stairs, levers, doors, pistons, and redstone torches. Once you have all of your resources, you can construct a beautiful raised house on the sand.

How To: Play the hybrid champion Blitzcrank in League of Legends

Blitzcrank is a steam golem champion with electrical abilities in League of Legends. His most unique ability is Rocket Grab, an ability that allows him to reach out and grab his enemies to bring them in close to a tower or for a kill. Learn how to abuse Blitzcrank's rocket grab and his other abilities to gank lanes and win games with this champion spotlight from Riot Games.