Everything Else

How To: Fly a helicopter with a keyboard in GTA IV

Use mouse and keyboards to play this game. To move the camera, press and hold the right mouse button. Moving mouse freely moves the helicopter. Acceleration is set in (W) button in keyboard. To slowdown press (S). Rotating left is set in (CTRL) and right in (ALT). Use (CTRL+ALT) to power fly. Pitching backwards and forwards is also set in the mouse. Holding space bar gives you another angle. Using the controls the helicopter can be flied through narrow ways, broad-ways etc. Firing is set in s...

How To: Clear your World of Warcraft cache

In this tutorial, we learn how to clear your World of Warcraft cache. First, you will go to your computer, then the local disk (C:), then users. From here, go to the public folder, then click on 'games', and then 'Word of Warcraft'. Once here, you will need to delete the 'cache' and 'wtf' folders. Next, you can exit out of this and continue to play your game as normal. This will clear out history from your game and make it load faster than before. If you aren't a Vista user, you will be able ...

How To: Make a Call of Duty 4 working server

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a Call of Duty 4 working server. First, go into your game and go to "start new server". Next, name it whatever you want and put internet into the dedicated section. After this, save the information and a console will pop up. Don't close this, minimize it. Next, open up your game and go to "join game" and search for your server. When you find it, click on the information and write down the IP address it has inside of it. Now, go to XFire and type in the I...

How To: Build a beach house in Minecraft

In this two part tutorial, you will learn how to build a beach house from scratch in Minecraft. You will need wooden planks, wooden slabs, glass, fence, wooden stairs, levers, doors, pistons, and redstone torches. Once you have all of your resources, you can construct a beautiful raised house on the sand.

How To: Create and edit items in the Dragon Age: Origins toolset

If your Dragon Age story calls for an "Excalibur" or some other type of legendary weapon, armor (armoire of invincibility, kekeke, 5 points to whoever gets the reference!), or any other type of armor but aren't sure how to make them in the toolset you're covered! In this video you will learn how to create, edit and customize your own items! So go on, make that over-powered weapon and go have some fun slaying the Darkspawn!

How To: Create an advanced Tower Defense game in the StarCraft 2 Editor

Starcraft 2, like it's predecessor before it, has a very robust level editor that allows you, the DIY modder, to create nearly any scenario within the bounds of the Starcraft 2 engine that you could imagine. We have compiled videos on how to do all sorts of fun things with it, from making RPG's and Tower Defense games to just making you dream Starcraft 2 level. This video will teach you how to create a complete and advanced Tower Defense game in the Starcraft 2 editor, allowing you to create ...

How To: Use a "no CD" crack to play PC games without a disc

In this tutorial, we learn how to use a "no CD" crack to play PC games without a disc. First, go to www.gameburnworld.com and search for your game using the search bar. Once you find the game you want, click on the version that you want. After this, the game will start to download onto your computer using the software you choose. Once it's finished, install it and open up the executable file. Now, move this file and make a copy of it on your desktop. Now you can delete your original copy and ...

How To: Find North in Minecraft Without Using a Compass

It's easy to lose oneself when playing Minecraft and easier still to get plum lost. That's why it's always good to have a compass on hand. No compass? No problem. There are, in fact, no fewer than seven methods at your disposal for finding true north in a Minecraft world. Better still, a lot of them are accessible to you from the very moment you start playing the game.

How To: Put a spin on your ball in World Golf Tour

In this tutorial, we learn how to put a spin on your ball in World Golf Tour. This will help control the roll of the ball when it hits the surface. Putting backspin on the ball decreases flight distance of shot and reduces roll. To put backspin on the ball, move the green dot towards the bottom of the ball in the bottom right hand corner of the ball. For topspin, move the green dot towards the top of the ball. Knowing where to put the spin on your ball is difficult and takes a lot of practice...

How To: Play Minecraft on an Android smartphone

The low system requirements of Minecraft make it ideal for playing on an Android smartphone. If you're looking to find out how to download, install, and play Minedroid, a version of Minecraft designed for your Android phone, take a look at this walkthrough and check out the download options below.

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